Data Analysis - What to do with the analytics your website provides? - 20/6/2017

| Tuesday June 20

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 20 June 2017

So your website spat a whole load of data in your lap. Now what? Its all fine and well to count the visits, see how people found you and see what you’ve sold but do you really know how to analyse the data which your website and Google Analytics (or both) can provide?

Today’s guest is Alex Dance, founder of Hero SEO Partners. He sees the Matrix when it comes to your data. Not only can the company set up your analytics (like lots of other companies) but also teach you how to see it, analyse it and actually use it as a tool in your marketing arsenal.

And that’s what he’s here to do today!  Welcome to the show Alex.

Topics we’ll be covering:

●     Broadly your small business journey and what led you to start your own business

o     Have a mathematics background

o     Half of Marketing Works / Half doesn’t – I calculated which half

o     Responsible for Innovation at Optus for Small Businesses and looked at Small Marketing opportunities and realised there was a hole in the marketplace for a reputable Marketing business

o     Helped a few friends out and loved the process and the concrete results so started to help a wider audience

●     Where does small business typically get their data from?

o     Big Data is a catch cry and there is often too much business – particularly depending on the size – it then becomes a matter of working out what is important – what are the key metrics to look at – what are the canaries in the mine or what are the things that highlight what is working well

o     It can’t purely be the financials as that doesn’t necessarily drive good results

o     There is then 2 types of data to look at

●     Data available on their industry and benchmarks

o        Google adwords tools – on Keywords – for industry

o     Competitors search volumes

●     Own data (the most useful)

o        Google Analytics – on website – own customers

o        Facebook Analytics – on Facebook – what works

o        Google adwords tools – on Keywords – for industry

o        Keyword ranking on Google – what position

o        Google Tools – speed test of web site

●     What’s the process for small business to start the process of analysing their data?

o     Spend some time to analyse it themselves or work with a partner they can trust

o     Set up  - Google Analytics –

o     Look at the demographics

o     Acquisition – Organic, Direct, social

o     Plus others

o     Facebook – Likes – is it only friends – test responses

●     Now that you’ve got the data and understand it how can we use that better in our business?

o     Great question – purely analysing data without action is useful

o     What are web page conversion rates

o     Complete A/B testing

o     For many businesses it is a great reality check – currently 5 people are seeing my web page – then is it 10 people

o     Does it grow

o     When you advertise can you see who those customers are – can you see return on investment

o     When you know your target market you can know how to advertise to them – particularly in Facebook

o     If you have a CRM tool – what are the conversion rates 

o     For Google adwords – you can see the rate you are paying per click – based on your quality score

To find out more go to their website: