EP#212 ~ Highlights from Xerocon 2023 ~ What will be the impact of AI on the Fintech industry and small business?

| Tuesday November 7

Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #212
Broadcast date:
7th November 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: The stars of Xerocon!

EP#212 ~ Highlights from Xerocon 2023 ~ What will be the impact of AI on the Fintech industry and small business?

Back in August I was invited to attend Xerocon where I interviewed captains of industry, economists and innovative app founders to find out what they think will be the impact of AI on the Fintech Industry.

All small businesses are well on their way to a digital future and are already familiar with how integration works between their business, banking and process data. But what will AI mean? What new changes will small businesses have to adopt and who will manage these? What’s the role of advisors? What’s already under way in the Appshpere?

Small Biz Matters went on the road to find out.  We interviewed:

  • James Bergin, Executive General Manager - Technology Strategy & Integration at Xero
  • Louise Southall, Economist at Xero
  • Sabby Gill, Global CEO at Dext
  • Tony Harcourt, Co-Founder at WorkGuru.io
  • Trent McLaren, Strategic Advisor, Growth Consultant & Brand Ambassador at Annature

Let’s have a listen to their thoughts on AI and the future of data and integration.

PEOPLE - What will AI mean for small business owners and their data in Xero? How can advisors support small business clients in change management and AI automation?

POLICY - The quarterly Xero Insights report is influential with policy makers as it provides quality small business data into Government. How is the data gathered and how can users be confident their data is protected? Why do small businesses need to know about changes to Anti-Money-laundering

PURPOSE - What were the key takeaways from the latest Xero Small Business Insights report? What does AI mean for a large, international company like Xero’s future? What’s the future of AI to solve our “wicked problems”

So what is it? Xerocon is It's a two-day annual cloud accounting and bookkeeping conference for accountants, bookkeepers and advisors. It is designed to help delegates discover the latest technology to help them save time and grow their business, listen to keynote speakers to be recharged with fresh ideas to improve operations and working with clients and a community event of learning, inspiration and celebration.

To find out more go to: https://www.xero.com/au/events/xerocon/