EP#215 ~ ACCAN, who is the organisation fighting for small business people rights in the telecommunications industry?
| Monday November 27Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #215
Broadcast date: 28th November 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Andrew Williams, CEO Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)
This week on the show we welcome Andrew Williams, CEO Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN). After the recent (and increasingly frequent) interruptions and disruptions caused by the telecommunications powers-that-be, small businesses can feel as though they are helpless victims of these events, with no power or voice to stop them. Well, we are here to tell you there is an advocacy organisation working with small businesses to fight for their rights in these situations. They’re also a strong voice in the room with Government when telco policies and support measures are being written and fight for smallbiz rights to make sure that contracts, access and price is fair and equitable for small businesses.
ACCAN was founded in 2009 and their aim is to empower consumers to make good choices about products and services. As a peak body, ACCAN represents the views of its broad and diverse membership base to policy makers, government and industry to get a better outcome for all communications consumers. As their CEO, Andrew Williams is with us to explain how.
PEOPLE - Why are you so passionate about supporting small businesses in the telecommunications industry? Is this more difficult for small businesses in regional areas? If so, why? Is that a current focus?
POLICY - How do you support small business people in the telecommunications industry and fight for their rights to make sure that contracts, access and price is fair and equitable for small businesses? Where do you submit and consult government? What policy areas is ACCAN currently working on? Can you tell us about the telecommunications review which is currently underway?
PURPOSE - ACCAN was founded in 2009. Tell us about some of the major milestones and successes, the organisation has had in advocating for small business.
Andrew Williams joined ACCAN in 2019 and became CEO in November 2021 With experience base spans a wide range of commercial disciplines in both private and public sector industries.
ACCAN is Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation representing individuals, small businesses and not-for-profit groups as consumers of communications products and services. They focuse on all goods and services including broadcasting, internet and online services, for current and emerging technologies.
They aim to empower consumers to make good choices about products and services. As a peak body, ACCAN will represent the views of its broad and diverse membership base to policy makers, government and industry to get a better outcome for all communications consumers.
To find out more go to: https://accan.org.au/