EP#216 ~ ATMS knows about health, women, the economy, and micro business. How do they represent small business across so many policy areas?

| Tuesday December 5

Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #216
Broadcast date:
5th December 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Christine Pope -  Director at Australian Traditional Medicine Society

ATMS is uniquely positioned to advise Government on health, women, the economy and micro business. How do they juggle multiple policy areas and represent their small businesses?

Women are core to the success of the Australian health economy and the same goes for traditional medicine. The vast majority of Australian Traditional Medicine Society members are women, micro business, working from home and juggling a family, their practice and continued education.

So how does ATMS’ leadership best represent their members when the policy areas in which they advocate cross over social, economic and small business issues? Plus, are cross jurisdictional – Federal, State and Local Government? This is an excellent example where an association uniquely intersect between policy and small business and we’re keen to hear from Christine Pope, Director of Australian Traditional Medicine Society and (because she can) the Treasurer and Director of Council of Small Business Organisations Australia ... and she still runs her own practice online and in person.

PEOPLE - Tell our listeners about the work of ATMS and how you advocate for your members?  How can members of ATMS (and other similar orgs) become more involved in their industry association? What sort of influence can they have?

POLICY - In a practical sense, what does an organisation like ATMS do to influence government policy? What areas of policy are you focused on right now? And who do you tend to speak with?

PURPOSE - What inspired each if your to take on a role in advocacy for your industry? Why do you think ATMS is well placed to advise government on health?

Christine Pope is an experienced Naturopath and Nutritionist based at Elemental Health St Ives. Christine is also an experienced trainer and presenter and was Head of Nutritional Medicine and Homeopathy at Nature Care College at St Leonards from 2012-2015. More recently she has founded her own training programs “Ageing Outrageously”.

Christine has over twenty years experience in her earlier career in Risk Management and Venture capital. In 2016 Christine undertook training with Dr Dale Bredesen in his protocol for Reversing Alzheimers, a detailed protocol involving up to 36 points of intervention including diet, lifestyle, hormonal balance, exercise and detoxification. Subsequently her focus in clinic has been working on healthy ageing and reducing the impact of chronic disease.

Christine is a director and treasurer of The Australian Traditional Medicine Society and the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia. (COSBOA).

The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) is Australia’s largest national professional association of natural medicine practitioners. ATMS is a multi-modality association representing around 9,000 accredited practitioners and students throughout Australia. ATMS currently accredits 20 natural medicine modalities.

ATMS promotes and represents accredited practitioners of natural medicine, who are encouraged to pursue the highest ideals of professionalism in their natural medicine practice and education.

To find out more go to: https://www.atms.com.au/