EP#217 ~ The tech StartUp world seems the darling of government industry policy. But is that the reality?

| Sunday January 7

Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #217
Broadcast date:
 12th December 2023
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Murray Hurps, StartUps Director, University of Technology, Sydney

The tech StartUp world is sometimes seen as the darling of government industry policy. Fast paced, fast growth, its an exciting world filled with hard working entrepreneurs. They tried to woo this sector by encouraging private investment, boosting  funding and creating new opportunities to rapidly grow. But how do they talk to the sector to find out what they really want? How is the sector represented and who are their advocates? Well, we have with us today one of the giants of that sector - Murray Hurps, the Director of Entrepreneurship for UTS, leading the work of the University to inspire and support technology-enabled entrepreneurs.

PEOPLE - You're a giant in the startup world, involved as the Board Director of tech representative organisations, running the first university startup hub, helping new startups get their shoelaces tied... What brought you to this world and why are you so passionate about supporting them?

POLICY - What do startups really need to start up and grow at that famously fast pace? What can the Government do to support them at each stage?

PURPOSE -  There seems to be an announcement in every budget to support the startup ecosystem - from both state and federal government. How can that money be best spent? Is a grant system best to encourage single companies creating cutting edge innovation or support for the entire sector to create a better foundation for all?

Murray Hurps is the Director of Entrepreneurship for UTS, leading the work of the University to inspire and support technology-enabled entrepreneurs.

Australia’s recovery needs job-ready graduates, productivity-boosting research, and new entrepreneurs spreading innovations, creating new jobs and driving our recovery. Murray’s work is enabling this critical third pillar of work at UTS.

Before building the largest community of student-launched startups at UTS, Murray was CEO of Fishburners, growing it from 100 desks of startup space, to 750 across Sydney, Brisbane and Shanghai, and supporting 508 startups during this time.

He founded, ran, re-founded in 2023 and ran again, Startup Muster, the largest survey of Australia’s startup ecosystem.

He founded FUELD, Westpac’s data-focused accelerator program.

He’s been a Director of the Australian Information Industry Association, Spark Festival and WorkVentures, all in support of Australian technology-enabled entrepreneurs.

He does what he does because at 16 he founded Ad Muncher, an ad-blocking startup that grew for 14 years, to a peak of 100 million active users. He wants more Australians to understand and pursue the opportunities they have today through technology-enabled entrepreneurship, and for Australia to realise the benefits of this as well.