EP#241 ~ What can we do to save Australian restaurants and cafes from disaster?

| Tuesday July 16

Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #241
Broadcast date: 16th July 2024
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guest: Wes Lambert CPA, FGIA, CAE, MAICD and CEO Australian Restaurant & Cafe Association

Wes Lambert describes himself as passionate about advancing the interests of the hospitality industry through advocacy, education, and leadership. He has over 24 years of experience in the hospitality industry, a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, as well as the skills and tools to deliver solutions that meet the needs of businesses.

But more than that he’s a passionate advocate. He lives and breathes the sector as a leader who has dedicated decades to bringing the industry to great heights and more than once, ensuring its survival.

But right now, the industry he loves so dearly and has made his life’s mission to see succeed, is on its knees. So, why is it now, even after the ravages of COVID and massive downturns in the economy like the GFC are thought leaders like Wes Lambert talking about devastation of an entire sector like never before? And what can Wes, with his deep knowledge of the policy space push for, to ensure survival of the industry – not just of the fittest?

This isn’t just about $8 lattes anymore. This is about jobs, high streets filled with empty shop windows and the very survival of communities and our way of life. And Wes Lambert is just the leader, advocate and experienced passionate policy influencer who cafes and restaurants need fighting in their corner.

PEOPLE - Tell us about the business owners you represent. Why is it critical for Australian communities and the economy that cafes and hospitality businesses get support right now? Do they need a hand out or a help up? And what does that look like?

POLICY - In a perfect world, in which department would you want to start to improve policy to make it easier to run a hospitality business in Australia? Which areas need the most work? Do you think the Australian Govt is really listening to the needs of small business?

PURPOSE - There's been a lot in the media recently about the dire state of the industry. Is it as a result of inflation, the lag from COVID closures, restaurant input costs or all of the above? What do policy makers need to do urgently to save hospitality small businesses on the brink?

As the CEO of the Australian Restaurant & Cafe Association, Wes Lambert is passionate about advancing the interests of the hospitality industry through advocacy, education, and leadership. With over 24 years of experience in the hospitality industry, he has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, as well as the skills and tools to deliver solutions that meet the needs of businesses.

Wes Lambert is the former CEO of the 2020 Association of the Year Restaurant & Catering Australia (R&CA), winner of the AuSAE 2020 Influencer Award, and a board member of several industry bodies, including the Australian Foodservice Advocacy Body, the Council of Small Business Organizations Australia, and the Children's Tumour Foundation. He holds a CPA, a FGIA, and a CAE, and am a Member of AICD. He is also a US Army veteran, an author, and a father of three. 

The Restaurant & Cafe segment of the Hospitality Industry has been under constant threat & pressure as Taxes, Inflation, Wage rises, Migration  & Staffing Challenges, and Relentless Rent Increases decimate business after business  throughout Australia.

Our purpose is to Drive Change and be the voice of Restaurants & Cafes by uniting industry leaders, fostering collaboration, and driving impactful legislative and policy shifts to benefit Restaurants & Cafes.

By amplifying the voices of our Members and advocating for their interests, we aim to shape policies and regulations that foster a thriving and sustainable Hospitality Industry.

Join us as we embark on this journey to redefine the future of Restaurant & Cafe advocacy in Australia, one Member and one change at a time.

Together, we can make a real and lasting difference. To find out more go to: www.arca.org.au