EP#242 ~ Today's inspiring guest is young, driven and a sustainability innovator

| Tuesday July 23

Small Biz Matters: People, Policy, Purpose ~ Episode #242
Broadcast date: 23 July 2024
Host: Alexi Boyd, Small Business Advocate & Policy Advisor
Guests: Alexandra Cannizzaro, Founder of Platform Zero

With so much going on in the world, it’s time to be inspired on Small Biz Matters. Our guest is a founder, has spent most of her working life since 2014 in the industry and a changemaker. She’s the sort of person that sees a problem and knows that she’s the right person to fix it. As the old adage goes, if you want something done right do it yourself.

We all know that sustainability and the responsibility of business go hand-in-hand and Alex is one of those young, inspiring people, who have really taken the bull by the horns, and made it their mission to implement change. She is the Founder of Platform Zero; an expert in redirecting and repurposing food waste and passionate about tackling climate change and rising prices. She knows the problem and has lived experience in the fresh food, wholesale and the premium quality produce industry. Now made it her life’s mission to create a successful sustainability business, tackling climate change, and rising prices called Platform Zero.

She'll join us to inspire, and offer some tips on how we can do better in our homes and businesses and get involved with great organisations like Platform Zero.

PEOPLE –  Tell us about your small business journey and how you came up with the concept for your startup. As a young person trying to start a business in Australia, what has been your biggest hurdle?  You mentioned during your appearance at the COSBOA summit this year how a lack of competition in the grocery sector impacts small business like yours. If you could talk directly to the CEOs of the giant businesses out there, what would you say to them to encourage them to make a Farah for young people and young business is trying to get started in the industry?

POLICY -   If there was one thing, the government could do to reduce the red tape in your industry what would you suggest to them?  You are involved in the supply chain in the grocery sector. Clearly there are major problems with how this is streamlined, despite big business being in control of those processes for so long. What small business attributes could big businesses learn from to improve the process

PURPOSE we all know how difficult it is to start and grow a business here. What keeps you going? What drives you to succeed and where would you like to be in 10 years time? How would you like to influence the industry

Alex Cannizzaro is Founder of Platform Zero; and expert in redirecting and repurposing food waste and passionate about tackling climate change and rising prices.

At Platform Zero, I have developed technology solutions that cover the whole supply chain ecosystem to redirect waste from landfills and re-purpose them for a wider range of purposes. At Platform Zero we hit all your ESG targets and we do it fast.

Where it all started? The fruit and veg industry. My family has been involved in the fruit and vegetable industry for over 70 years, covering the entire ecosystem both nationally and globally. I am the third generation within the family business, and I am responsible for steering this industry in a more sustainable, digitally advanced, and environmentally friendly direction in order to contribute to a more sustainable future.

To find out more about Platform Zero, check it out HERE