How to communicate effectively using DISC and 6 Core Needs principals - 4/9/2018

| Tuesday September 4

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 4 September 2018

The heart of selling is connections, pure and simple. They should happen organically; you either connect with someone or you don’t, right? Well, sometimes in business some inside knowledge about human characteristics can go a long way to help that connection get started.

Today we welcome Graham Elliott, an expert in DISC and the 6 Core Needs Principles to help us to read and recognise these characteristics we all possess at those first few moments of connecting. We are involved in so many connections as small business owners and knowing the principles of DISC and the 6 Core Needs may help you to see your own strengths and weaknesses in these relationships.  

Welcome to the show Graham.

DISC system

  • Step 1 - Step into their world - Take me through the DISC model and how through just two questions to help identify the dominant energy
  • How can you use this in those first few moments to read them and connect more effectively   
    • What is their energy like - speaking quickly or slowly
    • Ask a simple question on how their day is to see how they connect with you
    • It’s the part you can see - behaviour and the external
  • The Elevator example
  • Small startup/pitch example
    • D & I are future focussed - they won’t care that you’re new,
      • D - they just want you to tell them if your product tells them where they want to go. They want you to get to the point. It’s a different conversation; can you solve their problem or not? So you have a conversation to find out their needs.
    • I - energy loves fun and gets excited about you and your product.
    • S & C will care if you’re new
      • S - driven by certainty and you have to testimonials and referrals are very important to them. So is more process focussed so they feel safe & comfortable
      • C - also important to have existing happy clients but they are more technical. They want the methodical knowledge & understanding. They like rules & theories to test if something works. You can lose it hello if you touch them!
    • Firstly recognise where you sit in the DISC model
    • Take the time to know yourself so you can compare to those you meet. You can recognise quickly if you’re going to connect with them when you meet, this can save time
  • You buy from people you know, like and trust and you get to that through 2 questions
    • Are they like me?
    • Do they get me?

6 Core Needs - Tony Robbins

Talking through about this model and how does DISC and 6 Core Needs work together to drive decision making - all emotional decisions are made first and then we use the intellectual side to reinforce or justify those decisions we made emotionally in the first place.

  • 6 core needs = emotional needs we try and meet consistently but we try subconsciously.
    • First 4 are the needs of the person
      • Certainty & Variety
      • Significance & Connection
    • Needs of the spirit
      • Growth & Contribution
    • The way you meet these needs is important and if you can meet all six (relationship, hobby, job) you’re fulfilled.
  • Balance is important as everyone is different - and this is where the DISC comes in (give some examples here)

So why is this important to be aware of these aspects of characteristics. We have all four but why do we need to know the dominance of ourselves, and those we work with in your business?

  • The way you meet people when you network
  • When you’re presenting/training
  • When you’re in a management role
  • The selling environment
  • When you’re hiring new staff
  • When you’re firing staff
  • Building relationships with clients and all those around you


How can a good well, trained coach with a knowledge of these characteristics improve/ make you more effective in your business?

  • Being aware of where you sit
  • Recognising the weaknesses in your own characteristics and how to improve them

To find out more go to their website:


Sales Training - Consistent Sales Results - Major Account Sales Strategy  

I have over 30 years experience working in direct sales, and sales management. I have primarily worked in the business to business area, and also have experience of business to government and selling directly to consumers. I teach people proven techniques that provide consistent sales growth.

How consistent are your sales results?

Often I find that good salespeople have inconsistent results. This impacts their ability to generate income for themselves and the business they are in. I work with people to show them the causes and teach simple, proven techniques that deliver consistent results.

What do you need help with?

  • Consistent results
  • Strategies for complex accounts
  • Techniques to reach decision makers
  • How to avoid discounting
  • Cold-calling
  • How to build trust with clients
  • How to build long-term relationships

What is my offer?

One on one training tailored to your needs:

I will discuss your target outcomes and establish a training plan to deliver them.

For more details:

Team training:

Every member of a team has a contribution to make. In this training, we will look at the causes of communication issues within the team and outside. Training the sales team together sets-up team bonding and brainstorming opportunities.

For more details:

Strategic development:

Using my proven 7 step programme, we will go through a strategic action plan to build consistent sales growth into your business.

For more details:

Want to know more?

Call: 0405 990 338

