How to use Podcasting to grow your Business

| Tuesday November 6

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 6 November 2018

Well before it was cool to grow your online reputation using podcasting Ash Roy was curating content, gaining a huge listenership and positioning himself as the expert in podcasting. Explore the Productive Insights Podcast which has been running since Feb 2015 with over 150 podcasts for business, and you’ll discover an excellent range of guests and subject matter on developing this medium as a tool.

But more than this, when you listen and are lucky enough to meet Ash, you’ll discover a passionate yet kindly spoken business leader who is proud of his “slow burn” accomplishment. He might be in sales and marketing but the “rah rah” approach isn’t part of his DNA but podcasting is his legacy.

Very excited to be welcoming Ash Roy live on the radio to talk all things podcasting.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • What were you in a former life? What led you down this path & instigated your leap of faith into starting your own business
  • Looking at your website, podcast content and guest list you look hugely successful, an overnight success in your broadcasting. Has it really been a slow burn for you?
    • If you had your time again how could you have accelerated  this? It takes consistency and effort.
    • You have 3 or 4 main topics in your podcast material, is it best to niche or broadly engage with the audience to get numbers?
    • How do capture attention quickly in an environment where people have such short attention span?
    • A good title is a compelling promise but you need to make sure you fulfill that promise - what’s your top tip?
  • Why is podcasting a good idea - is it to engage with potential clients and grow your business directly or do you see it more of a reputation build?
    • Key reasons to start a podcast
      • An intimate way to connect with your audience low cost
      • Its the #1 fastest growing medium
      • A radio station is cheaper than you think to set up!
      • Leverage the listenership (once you get there)
      • Builds authority & reputation
      • Builds relationships with other key influencers
  • Podcasting for business - top tips for launching
    • Start listening to OTHERS’ podcasts
    • As with everything, decide who your “ideal listener” is
    • Develop a good strategy & content plan - Content is King!
    • Promotion where your listeners are
    • Launch - is a soft launch ok?
    • Use momentum to build a bank of episodes
    • Consistency is Key!

To find out more go to their website: