In what ways does the Federal Government support, listen to and affect small business?

| Tuesday November 20

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 20 November 2018

When operating a small business in Australia we have to navigate local, state and federal legislation and compliance. We operate in a particular area so the impact of local government decisions affects us daily but when it comes to compliance, tax, super, employment and a whole lot of other regulation is the responsibility of the Federal Government.

We’ve welcomed Julian on the show to talk about new ways the federal government supports small business through grant funding and financial support, a little about our fantastic unique businesses and what to expect from the new Small Business Minister, Michaelia Cash.  

Welcome to the show, Julian.

Topics we’ll be covering:

How does the Federal Government support Small Business?

  • Recently with the reshuffle in Federal Parliament there has been a new Small Business Minister brought back into cabinet. What does this mean for small business now that we have a Minister back in cabinet representing us? What can we expect from the Federal Government from this position and which stakeholders will she liaise with?
  • Last month you were spotted supporting local Dural strawberry farmers at Hornsby market. In what other ways are you trying to support and promote the idea of “Keeping it Local”
  • Are there any Federal grant or support programs which you’d like to let local small businesses know about?
  • One of the frustrating aspects of running a small business is the determination process for employee versus contactors. There are multiple pieces of legislation relating to employee and contractors including Tax, Super, Employment Law, WorkCover, Payroll Tax and each of those have their own determination tool. Its very frustrating; small business is trying to do the right thing but can’t get an answer to the question – is this person a contractor or an employee? Are there any plans to make this process simpler for businesses who are doing their best to be compliant?

Questions from listeners:

  • Is the Liberal party looking to recruit from the small business community to better represent your biggest employer in the nation? Ha!
  • Both State and Commonwealth governments are  investing heavily by offering funding for up to Diploma level qualifications. The take up is low and non completions high. A common reason quoted is that small business owners do not have time or the resources to attend classes, complete assessments and many feel what is more of value to them, is hands-on business advisory, soft skills, how to set up KPI's, manage cash flow, etc.
    As business coaches and business advisors, will the government consider providing funding for hands-on business coaching and advisory to help small business?

You can find out more here:

Australian Small Business Securitiasion/Growth fund info -

Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business -

Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation of Science  -