Interview with SQUARE - 14/8/2018

| Tuesday August 14

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 14 August 2018

Innovation and technology ….  Many small businesses would be surprised in the variety of ways we already implement many aspects of our small business. We use smart phones and tablets, cloud drives and some of us even used cloud based accounting. There’s many ways we can utilise it better to save time and money.

From using little of it only 10 years ago, small businesses in Australia are world renown for being fast adopters of digital technology and the most innovative when it comes to technology implementation in their businesses.,  Whether it be cloud based accounting solutions, hardware to improve payments, sales analytics and everything in between Square can be one of those powerful tools your business can use to be faster and smarter.

Today we welcome Ben Pfisterer, the Head of Asia Pacific & Australia Country Manager at Square to chat all about how we can improve our payment services to make them faster and more efficient.

Welcome to the show Ben.

  • Square is a relatively new company starting only 9 years ago. Broadly tell me about the their  own small business journey and why SQUARE is so passionate about supporting Small Business

    • Finding a gap in the market with small businesses reluctant to go cap-in-hand to the banks asking for an archaic eftpos machine

  • “Getting paid quicker and not “missing out on sales” was how Square started. Does that remain the cornerstone of the relationship with your customers?

    • How it began as a fairy (unattractive) credit card reader

    • Developing more and more sales analytics to support small businesses with their business growth

    • Now diversifying into payroll software, invoicing and working with existing

To find out more go to their website: