Learn from the Points Whisperer to make frequent flyer points work for your business - 30/1/2018

| Tuesday January 30

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 30 January 2018

We love our credit cards in Australia; that’s no secret and for many the reason we stick to this method of spending is for the “Points”. However the system seems to be grinding to a halt.

Many of our listeners would have heard about the recent changes to frequent flyer points. Back in May 2017 there was an overhaul of the point system in which major banks as credit card providers started scaling back their rewards offerings. As an example ANZ ended its relationship with American Express.

So with all these changes are the days of points flyer a thing of the past? Or do we as small business owners (who get little rewards from anything these days) just need to work smarter to make the most of the points system.

Today we welcome to the show The Points Whisperer  Steve Hui, Australia's Frequent flyer points concierge..

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Broadly your small business journey and what led you to start your own business
    • Tell us about this fantastically unique concept for a business and how you consult to other businesses?
    • How do you use LinkedIn to improve your business development prospects
    • Tell us a little bit about your altruistic project - Linfluencers (I can talk a little about this, and how to use Linkedin like-minded people)
  • Are the days of points really over or is this change for the best for small business?
    • Why SME are missing out on this perk, because even their accountants don’t understand it
  • Can you give us some top tips to make the most of points?
    • Do you spread it out amongst several points providers as you shop or specifically work the system of one retailer to get better points?
    • Do points trump sales?
  • How can businesses make the most of their points for travel and other benefits for their employees and the business owner?
  • What are some common misconceptions
    • Upgrades are not better value
    • How do upgrades work
    • Chasing status (and status credits) only works for some
    • Credit card reward points are not the same
    • Airline points are not the same
  • What’s the real difference between flying First class, Business and Economy?

To find out more go to their website: https://www.iflyflat.com.au/