Marrying the Creative with the Financial Side of Your Business - 26/9/2017

| Tuesday September 26

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 26 September 2017

As small businesses we need to be adaptable. We MUST be adaptable and in truth its one of our strengths. But what happens when you’re on one trajectory and you decide that headspace, that career, those clients, are not for you. Well, you adapt of course!

Today's guest has done just that, beginning his career in corporate finance he’s transitioned to a business advisor specialising in the creative space - a very different path. ….

Welcome to the show Mark.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Broadly your small business journey and what led you to start your own business

    • Your own transition between the career path of supporting businesses through roles in accounting and CA work to the more creative side of businesses - advising, as well as marketing strategy and implementation

  • Tell us about some great productivity apps you recommend to your clients to be more efficient and keep on top of their workload

    • Schedullo

    • Evernote

    • Wunderlist

    • Trello

  • What’s the best way to connect those two sides - the creative and the finance - through marketing to predict and measure

    • Ask yourself - was it worth it?

    • Focus on the two very important WHYs of marketing - WHY do your customers need your product, and WHY are you marketing to them (hint: you presumably want a dollar return on your marketing investment, or some other outcome).

    • Have you conducted Beta (or A/B) testing?

    • BUT don’t use that old corporate model of one team vs another - the goal is to form an integrated marketing and finance vision within your business.

  • What’s your ultimate dream?

To find out more go to their website: