Monthly Chronicle - April 2017

| Wednesday April 19

Saying goodbye is never easy…

We all have that ONE client. They’re late paying your invoices, they stuff you around with appointments, they take forever to respond to emails and basically drive you nuts. But on the other hand they really appreciate your services, you actually like them as a person, and over time a friendship is formed. Danger Will Robertson, Danger!

As small business owners it’s something we collectively pride ourselves on; the ability to form a good relationship with our clients based on great service, immediate responsiveness and a genuine care for their business. And since wrapped up in every small business is the people behind it its logical that a relationship beyond business develops. We’re only human after all, and this stands us apart from the Big Guys. However there’s a difference between being in tune with your client’s needs and jumping in the front seat of their small business rollercoaster with them.

All too frequently the role of consultant mutates into psychologist, mate, confidant.

There’s no rhyme or reason to this. You’re not their mentor in the same industry with oodles of experience and you don’t even necessarily understand what they actually do but you’re there for them for a chat or sometimes a shoulder to cry on - like a supplier with benefits. Once that boundary is crossed however there’s no going back. You still provide the same great service but over time find yourself becoming emotionally drawn in to their business’ ups and downs as though their success is intrinsically linked to your advice and so their failure would be yours.

So at some point when you’re actually doing some self reflecting as a business (kind of like mindfulness for sole traders) you realise that this once perfect client is taking up more than just your time but actually your precious emotional energy. If you’re not careful this can spill over to time you should be spending with other clients who appreciate you just as much but actually DO pay on time, respond to your questions and turn up to meetings!

Its at this point you need to dump them.

There’s no easy way to break up with this client. There’s the “Its not me… its you” tactic or the quick and painless Your Fired! email but the best approach is to think of it as a business decision and as always, have a good process. Be clear, concise and to the point when ending the business relationship. Indicate a specific date for closure, don’t lie, and ensure you’re solution focussed – offer them another alternative to you. And lastly make sure you thank them for the years when they were that great client.

And as always learn from this; set clear emotional boundaries, get out of that rollercoaster… not for them, but for yourself.