Monthly Chronicle - August 2016


Silly me! ….

… I foolishly thought I’d be productive these last couple of weeks, with it being EOFY and me a bookkeeper. But then, school holidays snuck up on me and put a stop to that ridiculous notion. They always catch me unawares; I try and arrange reciprocal playdates, Granny babysitting and lovely things to occupy my kids but I’m left with a concoction of emotions, feeling guilty about not spending enough time with them and not doing enough work.

So I threw this curveball to my local business colleagues who actually manage this quarterly upheaval with all the prowess you would expect from many-hat-wearing small business experts.

Here are their Top Tips:

Pia from GeorgiGirl Designs recognises her little resource! This week Miss 6 will be my assistant helping with pick ups/deliveries and coming to meetings. Rachel from WelcomeBasket agrees: I’ll pay my kids to come and work for me. They make up my welcome baskets that I deliver. They earn pocket money, they do a really good job and learn skills.

Debra, Person Centred Leadership says Flexibility rules!

Work 6am-8am, schedule activities, set up a movie later during the day when you can fit in 1 hour phone coaching sessions and have play dates too. Over the day hop into social media. Then do a bit more in the evenings.

Whereas Adrienne from The Speaker’s Practice advocates for scheduling:

My approach has to be schedule around children's activities. Their dependancy on parents at this time is finite so placing some importance their activities and doing things with them is important. Two weeks later they’re back at school and your work can get back on track.

Jee, Greit Gluten Free Food Rallies the troops:

Involve the family: My husband works from home some days so I can catch up on work. We have playdates at home with friends & family and occupy the kids with sports/play clinics for a couple of mornings.

Jennifer, Vividity Photography takes the lateral approach:

This may go against the grain a bit, but I deliberately plan as little work as possible. I work for myself so that I have this flexibility. The work during holidays is often not time-sensitive, so tweaking existing brochures or changing images on my website..... things that can happen whenever. They can also happen at night when the kids are in bed. That way, if we decide it's perfect weather for a picnic, we can just pack up and go!

Martina, M.Arty Hair Design loves Planning

Use a whiteboard so whole family knows what's going on, schedule in Activities like Play by Yourself so we can work. This helps other family members to know when they’re needed!

And finally, Aruna Ellis & Sophie from Your Future Self both remind us of what’s really important….

I strongly advocate a mindful life. Very soon children turn into strangers and then we wonder what’s happened. Everything can be managed by being mindful.

Make the most of it! If work conditions allow push out tasks that aren't critical. Connecting with our children even if for just a few hours by giving them 100% of our focus will help us bond a little closer and create some special memories.