Monthly Chronicle - December 2015


Read on the Monthly Chronicle website here.

I’m Alexi Boyd, a local business owner and radio presenter of Small Biz Matters on Triple H 100.1FM.

Since May 2014, the show has aimed to be the voice of small business in Hornsby. As well as local experts we interview local politicians to find out how they are (or not) supporting you at a local, state and federal level.

We are now adding to the show by taking it to print with a regular column in the Monthly Chronicle.

I’ve lived in Hornsby for six years and I’ve learnt there is more to our local business community than meets the eye. Not only are we experts in our fields, we are passionate, we know our clients inside out and we care deeply about the community in which we live. That’s what makes small business in Hornsby unique.

When I meet with local small business owners, the overwhelming burden they face is finding enough time for themselves and their business; it’s like having another child.

We would all agree running your own business can at times be a personal struggle – more than just a dollar investment. As business owners we sacrifice precious time with our families and friends to get the beast off the ground.

It’s a juggle to find the time to service your clients, grow and be compliant. And it can be isolating at times, stressful and even financially frightening.

Thankfully, here in Hornsby there are some great support mechanisms which small business owners have earned the right to call their own. Whether it be the local Chamber of Commerce, or vibrant networking groups or just a few entrepreneurs getting together once a month for lunch, we are fantastic at building a thriving business network at a local level.

That support may not always be there from government but we certainly support one another through these self-made groups.

Small business wants to grow and flourish and with the right support it can. Developing lines of communication between small business and all levels of government is crucial.

This area of Sydney excels at local business; with over 10,000 businesses providing 40,000 jobs (50 per cent of which live here) and one of the highest levels of home based work compared with other regions in Sydney. There is one business for every 10.7 residents in Hornsby. Small business impacts on the way we all operate, earn, commute and live in our area.

So how do we allow our local business community to flourish; creating a vibrant entrepreneurial sector? Well, we help ourselves.

At this time of year it’s crucial we keep small, local businesses in our mind. We all love having a local shopping strip with its eclectic, interesting goods & services and the festive season is potentially their busiest time. We like the idea of supporting small business but when the rubber hits the road we still find ourselves shopping at the big retailers. So as we approach Christmas let’s have a think about our local shops, our local services.

Like many business owners I’m looking forward to 2016 as the year for growth, development and financial security but most of all I’m looking forward to being a part of building the strength of small business in our local area. So get involved, be a part of this vibrant business community and watch this space as we all go from strength to strength.

If you are a small business owner and would like  to make contact with Alexi, you can email her at or email us at

*The Monthly Chronicle is a financial member of the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce.