Nailing your Processes & Procedures

| Tuesday May 19

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 19 May 2020

You know how you’re always saying you never have the time to really nail your processes and procedures? Well, this “weird” and “unusual” time we find ourselves living through has gifted you and your staff just that - time. So now you have the perfect opportunity, whilst your business is on hold, to examine, finesse, and refine the back-end of your business - that thing that helps you get from A to B each and every day.

So what does that analysis of your processes involve? Where should you start? And what do you need to prioritise when it comes to procedures? Is it more important to look at the client’s journey or the way you interact with them?

Well, here to help us today is an entrepreneur in the business education world… Dale Beaumont.

Some would argue that Dale Beaumont is obsessed with getting the back end of your business right. He is a Business Growth Expert & Author of 16 Best-Selling Books and the founder of the hugely successful Business Blueprint Program. And more than this he is extremely generous with his time and knowledge.

Welcome to the show Dale.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • As a small business owner where do you start?
  • Mind Map - get it out of your head
    • Butcher paper!
    • Chronological / attacking a problem solving it or starting what works very well
    • Catching yourself doing something time and time again?
    • What’s repetitive tasks can be removed
  • What are the typical mistakes which slow down your ability to develop processes and procedures?
    • No one can do it as well as I can
    • It’s faster if I do it myself
  • Method - make a video and get someone to transcribe & make it usable for others
    • How do you find the best process driven staff to assist & what Q’s should you ask to attract that sort of talent.
    • At what point do you expand to include processes as part of growth?
  • What’s your best way to store these systems - Bolt-ons
    • Google Sites
    • Share point
    • Asana / Trello
    • CRM system

To find out more go to their website:

Dale Beaumont’s Bio

Dale Beaumont is an Award-Winning Technology Entrepreneur, International Speaker and the Author of 19 Best-Selling books.

Dale started his first business at 19 and has been building companies ever since. One of those companies is now a multimillion dollar enterprise, which has enabled Dale to become an Investor, Philanthropist and to step foot in 85 countries.

Dale has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Gizmodo and GQ, just to name a few.

With a passion to give back, Dale’s goal is to help more than one million entrepreneurs around the world with Bizversity – a revolutionary product, which gives you direct access to ‘The World’s Best Business Training. Anywhere, Anytime.’

Best described as the ‘Netflix for Business’, Bizversity gives you exclusive access to thousands of videos, which have been produced by leading business experts from around the globe.

Now, to share his knowledge and secrets to business success, please welcome Dale Beaumont…