Nourish Your Business Soul With Natures Beauty - 2/5/2017

| Tuesday May 2

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 2 May 2017

As part of our Small Biz Journeys series this month we welcome Amy Harrison from Art of the Flower  to share with us the path that led her to run her own small business – and its not what you’d expect….

Welcome to the show Amy!

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Broadly your small business journey and what led you to start your own business:
    • Slave to retail but passion was artistic but more in the hands-on
    • Random conversation with a colleague in London; of all things!
    • Researched, learned more about the art form and then built on it
    • Came back to Oz, trained and got some experience in the retail side of things in different, corporate stores.
    • Relief of finding something you loved and something you were good at!
    • Dove straight into her own retail space - and made the most of her experience in Visual
    • Make connections with community - letterbox drops, WOM, little bit of a niche in a certain area. And finally throwing money at networking.
    • Finally realised that online was the way to go… that and weddings.
    • Actually discovered the she was working ON the business that IN it! So the move which was imminent was a blessing in disguise
  • Why is colour so important to your working environment 
    • colour of nature is indescribable. We try and mimic it with art, paint, tones - even photography! The shape, the tone, the texture can only be captured with real flowers and real life
    • Mental health, oxygen in your working environment (not wise to have plants in your bedroom)
  • Let’s share your expertise with our small business listeners
    • Home office environment - bring it inside. It’s not difficult to even take a cutting of some greenery and bring it inside
    • Plants are ever changing - the shape, the shifts of life, the seasons - bringing that all inside
    • Indoor plants need natural light & watering (less in winter) and talk to them! They like to be next to other plants and Orchids for example don’t need too much water - and don’t forget to move them around.
    • Weekly plants might be better in the office environment (tropical flowers, native flowers last longer and have a smaller carbon footprint.)
    • Every now and then put them outside for a dose of real light, real air & real water!

To find out more go to Art of the Flower’s website: