Publishing your story... from Inspiration to Celebration in print

| Tuesday October 2


Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 2 October 2018

We’re not great at cheering ourselves on nor celebrating the journey that is running a successful small business. Isn’t it lovely that someone like Charles Fairlie has done just that. After experiencing true pride in his father, a successful business owner in his own right achieve amazing things in his life and as a yacht builder he was inspired to write about him and others too.

When I first heard about the book 50 Unsung Business Heroes I realised it was a very unique published work. Not only does the book sing the praises of small business entrepreneurs and those who have risen to the top of their field but it equally celebrates the successes and some of their failures.

It’s also a unique business model; a fascinating way to advertising yourself and position yourself as the expert in your field. Charles Fairlie is the Publisher and Author of 50 Unsung Business Heroes and joins us today in the studio.

Welcome to the show Charles.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Tell our listeners about the evolution of your book and how your passion for telling the small business heroes story evolved
  • The growth of the storytelling from the starting point of your father, your inspiration
  • Why in your opinion are genuine connections so important in this tech world we live in?
  • The “backlash” against social media and the disconnect small businesses feel in that environment
  • What to expect if you’re dabbling with writing a book
  • The ins and outs of publishing, pitfalls and joys
  • The different models of book publishers
  • The movement back to print from your perspective

To find out more go to their website: