Small Biz Wrap Up

| Tuesday May 22

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 22 May 2018

17 April 2018

The Cloud. We get it, we use it. We count on it.

Every day when operating as a small businesses we rely heavily on the cloud and internet storage. We assume it's safe, secure and backed up SOMEWHERE. We assume it's available anytime and reliable and we assume the content we produce is ours to do with what we wish. But we’re not careful enough.

But like all things (except death and taxes as they say) you can’t be sure of it. You need to be in control with this extremely important tool of your trade. What if you can’t find an important document? What if the storage you relied on suddenly wasn’t there? What if you never backed up?

1 May 2018

Video Marketing. No longer the dark art of the past, a mystery relegated to the back-lot AV rooms of last century; it’s now accessible to all as a marketing tool and one you really should have a good understanding of when developing your marketing strategy for your business.

8 May 2018

Debt financing is an important aspect to managing and understanding your finances as a small business. Quite often small businesses will have long standing loans for which they’re not getting the best rate or they set up their finances in a hurry and haven’t looked at the bigger picture. We’ve been talking a lot in the past few weeks on Small Biz about running a business with the end in mind and what better way to end this series with an expert who can assist us as a Debt Advisor?

15 May 2018

Over the last few weeks on Small Biz Matters we’ve been talking a lot about beginning with the end in mind. Today we’re going to focus back in on ourselves as business owners as HUMAN beings and think about our stress points and ways to alleviate them.