Small Business Lending - How has the Royal Commission changed the landscape?

| Tuesday November 13

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 13 November 2018

If there’s one ‘moving feast” topic which is almost impossible to keep track of its small business lending. If its not the RBA changing rates its the Big Four changing their requirements for small business loans and then throw in a Royal Commission or two and if you’re not an expert you haven’t got a hope of working out where you stand when it comes to the likelihood of small business finance.

But luckily we do have with us today our resident Small Business Lending expert. Declan is part of the Valiant Finance Team, who work as part of the government’s Business Connect program. An initiative of the Small Business Commissioner, Business Connect is there to support small business through advice, workshops & education and one on one sessions with an expert. Declan is one of those experts.

Welcome Back to the show Declan.

Recap what we chatted about last show - in particular:

different types of lenders in the market for “evolving” nature of the business
Getting prepared for a small business loan - what paperwork should you have in order and what questions can you expect to be asked?
How the loan environment has changed over the last 12 months?

What businesses can expect from the next 12 months - particularly after the findings of the Royal Commission?

What it a Royal COmmission we had to have, and in your opinion will it make a huge difference to the way lenders view small business?

Specifically the different types of small more business loans

To find out more go to their website: