So you won an award, now what?

| Tuesday March 12

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 12 March 2019

Some people may scoff at industry awards as a system of rewarding those who are well known, well connected and high up in the pecking order of their profession. But sometimes hard work, perseverance and tenacity is actually recognised. And not many awards are coveted more than the Australian Retailer of the Year, particularly in a sector all small businesses understand to be the toughest to operate in.

This week I am lucky enough to interview Dean Salakas from The Party People, the 2018 Australian Retailer of the Year. We’re going to chat about what winning such a prestigious award meant to his business and how he made the most of the opportunity.  Plus, he’s going to share some top tips on what going on a TV show like Shark Tank REALLY means for your business.

Welcome to the show Dean.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Tell us about your small business journey and how long your “overnight success” really took!
    • Small business started by a clown turned into a market leader for party supplies
  • Growing 2 employees to 40 employees was a learning experience. How to achieve such growth, challenges and lessons learned. Hacks for growing on a shoestring budget and tricks I wish I knew earlier.
  • How a small business manage to achieve such firsts as being google ads first customer in Australia, bing ads first customer in Australia, Facebook’s first accelerator program customer globally, first cross retailer scan and go implementation in Australia and more.
  • My experience on shark tank and what outcomes were achieved
  • What does winning those industry awards really mean for a small business and how you can leverage your marketing in a practical way from those successes?
    • Why we won 2018 independent retailer of the year for the second year in a row and 2018 online retailer of the year. Also why I was named 2018 retail leader of the year for the second year in a row.

To find out more go to their website: