Speaking from the Heart - Transforming Your Message with Your Body and Voice - 10/10/2017

| Tuesday October 10

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 10 October 2017

Presentation skills…. Not generally considered the forte of small business. But in this age of “genuine connections”, face-to-face networking events and the perfect pitch nailing your message is crucial to getting out there and being heard.

There's a lot of noise online and it's difficult to cut through; we can learn the tricks of this trade easily enough but being present in the room with a potential client or business connection is a harder skill to master. Well, luckily we have an help today for our small business listeners.

Dr Gary Wohlman is one such expert, here to share his  wealth of expertise and years of experience working with individuals, consultants as communications skills coach, bringing people's voice and message out into the world as they've always dreamed possible.

Welcome to the show, Gary.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Integrating the 3V’s of communication – the Verbal, Vocal & Visual components, delivering your key messages with greater ease, efficiency and inspiring your listeners to action.
  • Developing Self-Talk to empower presentations on all stages of your life - Practice 3 keywords and matching gestures you came up with as a way of ‘getting into the zone’ instantly just before speaking or making a presentation, so what you say and how you say it are in tune and aligned – making it easier than ever for you to reach people with your intended message. Feel free to contact me for further assistance in matching your verbal message with your physical delivery, and watch your business and relationships soar.
  • The Grid System for ‘walking your talk’ as you place each key PEA (Point, Example, Application) in specific spots on whatever stage you are on, to clearly choreograph your communication and streamline remembering your content, while simultaneously training your audiences to easily grasp what you are talking about as you move consistently through these same spots during any live presentations you give.
  • The “Modeling the Hero” exercise to reclaim disowned qualities projected onto heroes, role models and mentors

Other questions:

1) How do you see yourself as a transformational presentation coach?

2) Give us a sound bite of the type of presentation breakthroughs your clients typically have through working with you…

3) What is one of your most powerful tools you can guide our listeners through, to enhance the impact and effectiveness of their live presentations?

4) Tell us what you mean by the 3 V's of communication…

5) What is the Hero exercise?

6) What is one further tip you'd like to share with our audience?

7) What upcoming workshops do you have where people can have an opportunity for a presentation breakthrough?

8) What other means of support can you offer our listeners to help them bring out their voice and message into the world as the've dreamed possible?

To find out more, visit Dr Gary’s website : www.mypresentationdoctor.com

While living in the United States, Gary graduated with honours from the esteemed Horace Mann private school, receiving the Headmasters award for the top student excelling in both academics and athletics. Graduating with a combined Pre-Med. and Psychology degree from Johns Hopkins University, Gary saw his future as a child psychiatrist and set his sights on medical school, yet felt a greater calling from the burgeoning new field of self development.

He moved to the west coast, where he pursued humanistic studies in the Human Potential movement, taking courses in San Francisco at the Californian School of Professional Psychology, which encouraged all manner of innovation. Here he developed his own system of transformational body therapy that grew over four decades into the presentation coaching that is now the Wohlman method.

In 1990, Gary was invited to visit New Zealand as a keynote conference speaker for health care professionals. As a practitioner who was accustomed to working one-on-one with clients, Gary presented in the way he knew how, by inviting individual audience members onto the stage, one by one, to work with them on the challenges they had in presenting communicating and connecting.

News of Gary’s presentations soon spread. His authentic, real life scenarios were a lively change to stultifying power point keynotes which proliferated the stage, and he was invited back to Australasia for a series of workshops. As Gary’s presentations became more popular the triad of his life – athletics, academia and self development – and his devotion to integrating body, mind and spirit – fell into place. As new frontiers opened up for his pioneering personality, he picked up his sticks and moved down under to Australia in 1997.

To Gary, unlocking the dynamic energy system by the ability to feel centred and in command had a natural synchronicity with his early acclaim as a gymnast, track star, and springboard diving champion. Integrating this physicality into the core of presentation coaching is the foundation of the Wohlman method, which was government accredited in Australia in 2002. During this same period he received a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology and Expressive Arts Therapy.

‘Getting into the zone’ is as much a part of preparing for sports competitions as for any stage presentation. In harnessing the power of the zone as an athlete, it became anchored in Gary’s mind that he needed to create tools and resources to coach individuals to connect inner purpose to outer presentation, and align intention with performance.

For Gary, there is always an overarching sense of achievement working with people to unlock the stored physical, emotional and creative energy – and release the related anxiety, tensions and self-talk holding them back.

Dr Gary’s clients generally come from two paths: firstly performers, leaders or high-profile spokespeople. Their goal is to persuade, entertain, inform or educate and leave an impression. Secondly, those that want to achieve similarly, and may be challenged in expressing themselves, lost for words, floundering for material, simply stuck or nervous.

Companies that have engaged Dr Gary include global corporations, such as Chifley, Capgemini, 3M, Xerox, Geovital, American Express, Air New Zealand, the Intercontinental hotel, Australia Post – as well as a string of not for profits, Make-a-Wish foundation amongst them, and thousands of individuals.

Dr Gary’s quest is to assist his fellow presenters find their authority, authenticity and audience engagement with the simplest, swiftest, most sustainable systems possible. “Here’s to unlocking your true self, speaking from the heart and being heard – with your fullest vitality, physical presence and connectedness – on all stages of your life. It’s an honour for me to assist you in enhancing the impact and effectiveness of your live presentations, and in bringing your voice and message out into the world as you’ve always dreamed possible”.