Streetwork - one of the special organisations in our midst - 25/7/2017

| Tuesday July 25

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 18 July 2017

Hornsby is unique for lots of reasons but one of the things I love about living in this fantastic area of Sydney is the honest, genuine people everywhere in Hornsby who give so much of themselves to their fellow man. It’s something we all need to be proud of and reminded of. So every so often I like to remind the small businesses what makes this part of Sydney so special and maybe suggest how they too can get involved.

It doesn’t have to be be money (although we all know that’s where we can do the most good) but perhaps gifts in kind, volunteering time, or even taking someone who hasn’t been so lucky in life under your wing.

Today we welcome Lucy Dahill from the wonderful organisation Streetwork to the show to tell us about how she helps others in her community and more importantly works hard to coordinate support for vulnerable kids across lots of groups.

Welcome to the show Lucy.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • The issues facing young unemployed local teenagers and how they can break through to the job market.
    • How small business can support these people.
  • The shifting demographics around Hornsby & KuringGai area that small businesses need to be aware of.
    • Degradation of TAFE & things to do locally
    • What sort of kids does Streetwork support (it’s not always who you think)
  • Streetworks & Fusion and how people can become involved.
    • International men's & women's day
    • Volunteering your time
    • Mentoring young people
  • How Streetwork works with loass of other support organisations to get the real help these young people need

To find out more go to their website: