Suddenly got loads of time on your hands? Time to learn LinkedIn... with a Ninja!

| Tuesday March 31

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 31 March 2020

LinkedIn is the place to be if you’re B2B, we all know that. But are we getting to messaging, profile and social strategy correct? How can we possibly understand the algorithm (which keeps changing) and how can you tell if your message is even making a difference?

Like all social media there’s the good, the bad and the ugly. You still need to be yourself, polite and wear your “happy face” and know where the dangers lie, but this is business rather than socialising and sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. For example, How do we build a LinkedIn network of followers and how do you find the balance between numbers and genuine connections?

There is literally no one else I would have on this radio show to educate you on priming your LinkedIn profile and LI social media planning than Jillian Bullock. She speaks all over Australia, is the only certified LinkedIn Ninja in Australia and is incredibly generous with her knowledge of the LinkedIn Matrix.

Welcome to the show Jillian.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Broadly speaking when running a business, how important is it to make sure your LinkedIn profile is current and relevant no matter what business you’re in?
    • Why is LI more important to B2B businesses? Why niche in that platform?
    • How to stay relevant and top of mind in a world of social media noise?
  • Marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, what are your top tips on posting to LinkedIn
    • Peak times & timing (first few mins are so important)
    • Posts vs articles vs comments
    • Where does LinkedIn Live fit into all of this?
  • Secret Squirrel Algorhythms… how can we learn the matrix?
    • Why is reciprocity so important?
  • What should we avoid?
    • Why are fake profiles dangerous for you and your business and how do we spot them?
  • How do we build a LinkedIn network of followers and how do you find the balance between numbers and genuine connections?