The Australian Chamber of Commerce, so what does Australia's largest business advocacy network do for you?

| Tuesday December 17

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 17 December 2019

In this competitive, global commercial world where small business operates and are celebrated for our resilience and innovation, some can be left behind and feel isolated from our small business community.

If you offer a unique proposition or do not fit neatly into a professional association you may continue to go under-represented and lack the advocacy that a larger group can offer.

So who do you turn to for this voice to represent and advocate? Locally of course there are some wonderful Chambers of Commerce but on the national stage (where legislation and decisions which directly affect your business are made) the Australian Chamber of Commerce is there for you.

This week we will talk about what they can offer you as a small business. James Pearson is their CEO, and the Leader of Australia's largest business advocacy network. 

Welcome to the show James.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Tell the listeners about the Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and how this body supports small business? Is it a lobby group, advocacy or information portal?
  • Do you only work with businesses and regulators at the federal level or also local and state agencies?
  • Do you work with other small business interest groups like COSBOA or state chambers?
  • What sort of positive impact has lobbying by the Chamber had for small business; can you give examples where this sort of impact has really made a difference?
  • In the next 5-10 years what do you believe will be the main issues facing small business in Australia and what do you plan to do to support them?