The Benefits of Video Production in your Small Business Marketing Strategy

| Tuesday May 1

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 1 May 2018

Video Marketing. No longer the dark art of the past, a mystery relegated to the back-lot AV rooms of last century; it’s now accessible to all as a marketing tool and one you really should have a good understanding of when developing your marketing strategy for your business.

But like all new technology it takes time to learn and develop these techniques in order to implement this in your business. So today is a bit of cheat sheet we’re welcoming our guest Geoff Anderson from Sonic Sight 

Welcome to the show Geoff.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Tell me a little about your small business journey (including your book) and why you’re passionate about educating small businesses
  • Why it’s crucial for small business to understand the power of video for their marketing strategy
    • Not just marketing tool but also communications tool for positioning yourself as an expert
    • Using video content to educate your audience - but WHO is the audience and what are you hoping to achieve from the video content?
  • Top tips for producing video content
    • Do’s and Don’ts for shooting
    • Audio is VERY important
    • When do you invest in the right equipment
    • When SHOULD you engage with a professional rather than trying to DIY
  • How can video content be used?
    • Like all forms of marketing measuring the metrics/diagnostics on your website is key
    • Don’t bury the website on “page 5” where no one will notice it
    • Add it as a link in your email signature!
    • Where SHOULD you showcase the video and what platform is best?
  • What are some examples in your experience of when small business has really leveraged video to promote their business in a really different way
  • Niching, and how your experience shows its important in helping to find the elusive work-life balance.

To find out more go to their website:


About Geoff Anderson

Geoff Anderson loves helping his clients tell their stories through video. Since 1993 he has owned and operated Sonic Sight, a video production facility in Sydney Australia.

He has worked on productions throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the US. Geoff is a video producer, a camera man, an editor, a director and a scriptwriter.

Geoff is the author of Amazon best seller, Shoot Me Now - making videos to boost business a how to guide for small businesses looking to create videos for their business.

Geoff also presents on the power of video at workshops and conferences.


Visit to download

  • 30 Types of Videos to build your business
  • 30 Ways to maximise your video return on investment
  • 30 Ways to share your videos