The Greater Sydney Commission and what it means for businesses in Hornsby - 24/1/2017

| Tuesday January 24

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 17 January 2017

Today, the Greater Sydney Commission, the new independent NSW Government agency leading metropolitan planning, has released the first ever 20 year draft District Plans for each of Greater Sydney’s six districts and a 40-year vision, Towards our Greater Sydney 2056.

“This is a first - these District Plans are how we will coordinate and collaborate to create a great District in the future,” said North District Commissioner Dr Deborah Dearing.

“Greater Sydney is growing, and the largest component of that population growth is through natural increase, which means more births and people living longer. These plans are about intergenerational equity – making places and jobs for our children and grandchildren to live their lives here.”

The draft North District Plan sets out the opportunities, priorities and actions for the District and provides the means by which the Greater Sydney Region Plan, A Plan for Growing Sydney, can be put into action at a local level.

The Greater Sydney Commission’s North District includes the local government areas of Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Northern Beaches, Mosman, North Sydney, Ryde and Willoughby.

Small Biz Matters is thrilled to have Dr Dearing in the studio today to talk about her role at the Greater Sydney Commission and what impact could have on the businesses in Hornsby, Ku-ring-Gai.

Welcome to the show Dr Deborah Dearing.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • What is the role of the Greater Sydney Commission?
    • Cross party support & long term planning for the people of sydney
    • Three major areas - where does Hornsby sit?
      • Hubs in and around transports/close to services
    • Currently Heads of state org sit on the commission > subcommittees for specific areas such as infrastructure > District Plans ** currently open for submissions
  • How will its recommendations directly affect the people and businesses in the Hornsby Ku-ring-Gai area?
    • District plans are where, at a local level the Commission will have the most impact.
    • The vision is NOT homogenous districts blending into one Greater Sydney but these areas maintaining their authenticity
  • Submissions:
    • How can businesses make an impact through submissions?
    • What sort of submissions are you looking for, particularly from businesses?
      • Strategic - what would you like to see improved from an infrastructure sense, facilities, local etc)
      • Good & bad comments are welcome
      • Think of the future of the part of Sydney in which you live - what would you like to see for the next generation of businesses, entrepreneurs and employees? How can aspirational individuals be encouraged to succeed LOCALLY?
  • How can our listeners find out more?
    • Read the Overview (avail till the end of March 17) and submit your suggestions
    • Connect, discuss and lend your opinion to :
      • Facebook
      • LinkedIn
      • Open chats on the website
    • To find out more go to their website: