Think Facebook for business is dead? Think again!

| Tuesday April 2

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 2 April 2019

I know small business needs to be adaptable, but that is ridiculous! Ahhh, the moving beast that is Facebook advertising; how can we possibly keep track of the changes in our own personal page let alone the algorithms not to mention the cost changes? And let’s not get started on that You Can Reach xxx button.

So, let’s bring in the expert Heather Porter, an expert in Social Media Strategies Consultant & general Facebook Guru. I’ve twice enjoyed her excellent presentation on Facebook advertising and learned lots. So, we’ve brought her on the show to share with us her advice on Ads, setting things up just right no matter your business and general advice on social media advertising.

Welcome to the show Heather.

Topics we’ll be covering:

Why running a Facebook single ad does not work as well as it used to

  • How the 'Rule of 7' works
  • The market is savvier and expects better targeting

What is a social media funnel and why you need one

  • What is a customer journey and how do you map one out for your business?
  • What type of content should you share for each step in the journey?
  • How often should you sell something in your posts?

How to set up your ads account for your funnel

  • The difference between a promoted post and an ad
  • What is the Facebook pixel and when and how do you use it?
  • Understanding what an audience is and why you need them
  • The different types of audience targeting you can do in your ads account

The 3 step plan to set up your own social media funnel

  • What types of content do you need to prepare?
  • The difference between Instagram and Facebook and what works best on each platform
  • How to follow up with people on social media based on where they are in your funne

Heather Porter Bio

Heather Porter helps small business owners get out of overwhelm with her framework to work less and earn more using a mix of online marketing and automation.

Heather’s career started as an event manager and crew coordinator for Tony Robbins and other popular speakers. In 2007 when social media and online marketing started gaining momentum, she focussed on helping speakers reach more people outside of the seminar room and launched a membership website for one of her clients that attracted 18,000 members at launch. From then on Heather started helping other businesses reach more people online.

She is Founder of Website Love, a website development and marketing training company, is co-author of 4 business books and host of That Social Media Show on the Bizversity business education app used in over 100 countries.

Heather also shares tips on her blog and regularly speaks for audiences that range from local councils to small business mentoring groups.

To find out more go to their website: