Tracking time whilst doing time...

| Tuesday May 26

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 26 May 2020

With the scenario all of humanity has been living for the past few months it can feel for many of us like time is the enemy. We’re waiting for it all to end, biding our time, counting down the days… till life can return to normal.

So what if you regained some control over time and better still, used it as a tool in your small business to better understand how it operates? Monitoring time can help you determine more than simply productivity. Staffing, finances even your business planning relies on you understanding how you and other key stakeholders in your business operate under the regime of time.

So let’s start tracking time to get better at running our businesses.

Today we welcome Jared Armstrong; founder of MinuteDock a simple yet effective tool used worldwide by all sorts of businesses to track time. He’s going to share with us some top tips on why time can be your friend and how it can be a powerful tool in understanding your business.

Welcome to the show Jared.

Time is so important when running a business

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Broadly your small business journey and what led you to start your own business
    • Running lean & building relationship with clients as well as positioning as a global software company. What has it
  • Tracking time. Why is it more important than ever to understand where your time is going?
    • Firstly what do you want to get out of it
    • Fee based models vs time based - you need the data first before making the decision. This helps you make decisions like outsourcing, employee numbers, or a software solution
    • How do you have that conversation with your employees and contractors with “monitoring them”
    • Are you going to monitor client work only or backend processes - should you be
    • Proof for R&D claims - this tool is perfect
    • What are the statistics around recording mechanism and productivity of yourself
  • Does time tracking work for other small businesses like tradies and hospitality?
    • Different products for different requirements > you’re tracking is job management time not productivity
    • General attendance and arriving on time to

To find out more go to their website:

Jared’s Bio:

Jared is the Founder & CEO of MinuteDock, a time tracking solution for professional services firms. Based out of Wellington, New Zealand, he has a long background in software development. Being keenly interested in small businesses (having started a few!), Jared loves thinking deeply about how to make business tick as efficiently as possible - and understanding the tool & process innovations that can help make that happen.

About MinuteDock:

MinuteDock provides a powerful, flexible and smart time tracking tool to help professional services businesses record, manage and bill their working time.

MinuteDock was formed in 2009 under the core principle that time is one of the most valuable resources a business has, and that understanding the use of time within your business can contribute significantly to effective administration, growth, and profitability. With this core idea in mind, we set out to create a web-based service which would allow professional services to have a streamlined, easy to use way to effectively track and understand how their work time is being spent towards particular tasks, projects or clients.

Today, MinuteDock has developed into a service trusted by businesses large and small all over the world. We are the one highest rated time tracking apps available for accounting software platforms like Xero & QuickBooks, with a small but dedicated team working hard to provide individualised customer support to our range of unique clients.