What is COSBOA and how does it support small businesses in Australia?

| Tuesday May 7

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 7 May 2019

Did you realise as a small business there’s a powerful advocacy team on your side? Did you know they regularly lobby federal government in relation to policy decisions which directly affect you and your business growth & operations?

Well, there is one and it's called Council of Small Business of Australia.They exist because small businesses don’t have the time, the resources and often the expertise that is required to be alert to the myriad of legislative and regulatory change that affects them on an ongoing basis.

Their passionate & fierce leader is Peter Strong; a small business owner who took his belief in the small business all the way to Canberra and now dedicates his life to supporting pretty much each and every one of us.

Welcome to the show Peter.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Peter, tell us a little bit about your small business journey and why you're so passionate about supporting small business?
  • What is COSBOA and how does it support Small businesses?
    • Is it the key lobbying group for us at the federal level?
    • Who does it report to?
    • How do you and COSBOA lobby for the interests of small business
      • Interaction with govt departments & Small Business Ombudsman’s office
    • How does it support all the different sectors in which small businesses fall?
  • What’s the key points small businesses need to be aware from the 2019 Budget?
    • Debrief of Budget
    • Tax breaks
    • Increase of depreciation threshold?
      • What does that mean for cashflow?
    • Which of the announcements actually cut red tape for businesses?
  • How does COSBOA consult all the different small business sectors?
    • Professional associations and how they interact and therefore the flowthrough to legislation lobbying
  • So many issues facing small business are state & local government based (payroll tax, state regulations, council compliance hurdles) how does COSBOA support businesses at the state and local level?
  • What new reports & Guides and comms are coming out of COSBOA to help small businesses understand legislation after the upcoming Federal Election?

To find out more go to their website: https://www.cosboa.org.au