What's your Innovation Frustration?

| Tuesday July 14

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 14 July 2020

At the cutting edge of technology the innovation revolution is fast paced, exciting and inspirational. Many new startup small businesses play in the tech space and there like in all small business worlds, innovation comes in many forms. Each small business at some point adapts or pivots or evolves and that can be considered an innovation.

Just like small business and all the hurdles that come with it, those who navigate the techpreneur space have their own Innovation Frustrations. Whether it’s in a corporate environment where the wheels  turn so slowly it can be painful, to those familiar small business compliance issues we all know and love, innovative tech businesses face the same trials as we all do.

Laetitia Andrac is highly experienced in this world. She’s worked with multinational giants to get them to move faster and nimble small businesses to get them to move slower! Each of these experiences have brought with them challenges to overcome. And overcome them Laetitia has! She’s with us today on Small Biz Matters to share those experiences from which we can all learn.

Welcome to the show Laeticia.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Tell us about your background and what your experience can tell us about where innovation is today
    • Corporate Innovation, StartUp consulting, Bloomberg Cities (bringing innovation to socially driven strategies)
  • What are the frustrations you can expect to experience when working in a corporate environment/team?
    • Frustrations driving within a large corporate, they are so slow and labour intensive. The obsession around controls, privacy, but then you can leverage their client base, they leads. Accepting the balance that there will be a slow to start then accelerating.
    • The difference between corporate and startup: fast to iterate, move from ideas to MVP but hard to get traction
  • What advice would you give to those trying to innovate when working within a large corporate?
    • Be resilient. If doors are closed find a way to go through the window!
    • Making sure you don’t waste time with the wrong people. Who are making the key decisions?
    • In a practical sense what other departments do you need to be aware of in the process. Which other departments will be working with at every stage of implementation?
  • Start up space - Confusion of innovation vs creativity in the startup space. Framework is crucial.
    • Just because you’ve got a great idea doesn’t mean you can bring it into fruition. Discipline of the 10 types of innovation.
    • Cover the 4 key mistakes I’ve observed on innovation: focus on creativity, go after a solution without investigating the problem, focus on product innovation only, launch too late when everything is perfect

To find out more go to their website: https://www.essentialshift.co/

About our Speaker:

Laetitia is an innovation and strategist expert, an accredited holistic coach,a proud mama of two little girls. She is born in France, lived in India and Brazil, and moved to Australia ~5 years ago.

With an insatiable curiosity and energy, she is dedicated to empower individuals, teams or businesses to bring their innovative project to life with clarity and impact by applying mindful and effective frameworks.

For over 12 years, she has designed, facilitated and led significant projects, working groups and seminars from ideation, innovation strategy, strategic planning, process improvement, to performance optimizations. She has worked with global companies, start-up/business owners, NGOs, public sector and local governments.

She is currently working part-time for a big corporate on innovation and big data projects and the rest of the time on her own consulting and coaching company: Essential Shift.

Through Essential Shift, she wants to share her passion and experience by blending innovation and strategy frameworks with coaching, mindfulness and ayurveda approaches.