Who are your strategic partners and how can you implement a change management process to grow your business?

| Tuesday August 4

Small Biz Matters – #168 Providing the small business community with educational content and advocacy since 2014
with Alexi Boyd, broadcaster, advocate and small business owner.
Date: 4 August 2020

Running a small business is never a solo road; your path is guided by key stakeholders and strategic partners who help you. They might be people who work within your business, key clients, suppliers or supportive advisors.

Fostering these relationships is very important to running and growing a successful small business. But equally important is recognising who is STRATEGICALLY IMPORTANT to your business development.  As yourself, what role can this partner play in building foundations, growth of even calling it quits? Are they strategic for growth or just supportive? Do you collaborate with, or are you guided by them?

So we’ve brought someone onto the show who’s hugely experienced and keen to share this knowledge with our listeners. Annie Gibbins, in the role of CEO of several large medical institutions, had led teams who couldn’t exist without the partnership and guidance of strategic partners. Constantly engaging with and recognising the value of your key stakeholders can make or break these businesses. She is also an inspirational and dynamic business leader who is all about THRIVING - in business and life and author of Becoming Annie - A biography of a curious woman.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • As a change management CEO, what has been your strategy to influence significant change in Glaucoma Australia?
    • 4 pillars
      • Stakeholder engagement
      • Clarify UVP
      • Build Trust and Credibility
      • Rebrand
      • Go Digital
      • Risk Awareness Campaigns which drive testing
    • What change have you achieved over the past 2.5 years?
      • Massive stakeholder engagement (Ophthalmology, Optometry, Pharmacy), Digital Referrals (Oculo), 300 referrals per year have grown to 7000 in 2 years
      • New Strategic plan – Detect and Defeat.
      • Patron – Governor General
      • Ambassador – Kirk Pengilly INXS
    • What have been the biggest challenges?
      • Mindset
      • Funding model
      • Small team
      • Website and CRM (new ones coming in the next 6 months!)

To find out more go to their website: https://www.anniegibbins.com/

About our Guest:

Annie Gibbins is the Chief Executive Officer of Glaucoma Australia. In this role, Annie is a powerful force for change in the war against the blinding impact of glaucoma and 100% passionate about eliminating preventable glaucoma blindness.

With over 25 year’s experience in the Health Education sector and qualifications in science, education and business, Annie has developed high impact skills in collaborative change management focussed on patient centred outcomes and data driven evidence.

Annie’s is also the CEO of Lipstick Consulting, and her previous roles include CEO of the Australian Institute of Ultrasound, CEO of the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine, National Education Manager of the Australian Orthopaedic Association and Senior Nurse Educator TAFE, NSW.