Why your Fitness, Health and Wellbeing should be part of your business growth

| Tuesday September 24

Small Biz Matters – a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.
with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management Services
Date: 24 September 2019

It’s the curse of the small business owner. We always leave ourselves till last when running a business. Our families, employees, clients and even the community are often at the forefront of our minds whilst our health and wellbeing languishes in the background. And yet we are told so many times in our lives that we can’t help others without first helping ourselves.

We all know we feel better when we exercise regularly and no one can possibly argue that physical fitness is directly linked to mental health and yet with so much focus around small business mental health at the moment are well really making that connection? What we need are practical targets (beyond counting steps) to meet those personal targets to get back into the swing of things?

David Bowman is a small business owner himself. He owns several Step Into Life businesses and was recently awarded the Step into Life State Ambassador of the year. He’s passionate about inspiring every individual in the local community to take responsibility for their own health and fitness and to be a role model for their family and circle of friends. He is passionate about helping small business owners feel healthy and well and today brings us his expertise and practical suggestions for being healthier, fitter and therefore happier small business owners.

Welcome to the show David.

Topics we’ll be covering:

  • Why is it so important for we as small business owners to look after our own health, fitness and wellness when running a business
    • Link to mental health
    • Looking after yourself before others
  • It’s not just about counting steps. What are your top tips for staying Fit and Well for small business owners?
    • Healthier Ways to look after your physical fitness during the working day
    • Regular Stretching, changing positions, avoiding remaining static when working
  • What is a healthy level “regular” exercise for a typical small business owner outside of the office
    • Different ages, stages of life
    • What to do if you’re already feeling like it’s too late?
  • How can a personal trainer help you to get back into good practice when it comes to your physical health and where do you start?

About David:

Hi there, my name is David Bowman, head trainer and owner at Step into Life Lindfield and Turramurra.

6 years ago, I decided to escape the corporate world. Being a little older than 30, my challenge was to find what could I do that was going to provide meaningful, rewarding work.

I’d had some success with weight loss, having started walking and then jogging in my mid 40’s. What I quickly realised was that, even as an older person, it was possible to train safely and get fit from a very low fitness base. I also became aware of how awesome it was to feel and look healthy again and the positive difference that the commitment to my health made to my overall outlook on life.

So, I made the decision to become a qualified personal trainer. Having delivered over 6000 sessions, what’s amazed and inspired me is the number of fantastic people who’ve joined our wonderful fitness community, the varied backgrounds they come from, the different ages of people I’ve trained the different challenges they’ve faced and overcome, and the many ways I’ve been able to help them improve their physical and mental health outcomes through tailoring fitness programs to help them achieve their fitness and health goals.

If you’d like to find out more, I’d love to hear from you. Perhaps you’d like to try our Free Fun Fitness Week, where you ease your way into your new fitness journey, try our different programs and see for yourself if our fitness community is a great fit for you.

To find out more go to their website:

