Today's expert is Lia Zalums from Success InSight, expert in Business Psychology & Psychometric Profiling who will be sharing her knowledge on the importance of life-long learning in the pursuit of small business success...
This week on Small Biz Matters we revisit and summarise some of the topics from the last four shows.
Over the last few weeks on Small Biz Matters we've been talking a lot about beginning with the end in mind. Today we're going to focus back in on ourselves as business owners as HUMAN beings and think about our stress points and ways to alleviate...
Debt financing is an important aspect to managing and understanding your finances as a small business. Quite often small businesses will have long standing loans for which they're not getting the best rate or they set up their finance...
Video Marketing. No longer the dark art of the past, a mystery relegated to the back-lot AV rooms of last century; it's now accessible to all as a marketing tool and one you really should have a good understanding of when developing your marketing...
Go on, search online for "setting up a business" and you'll discover pretty quickly that the internet is everyone's worst best friend. There are dozens of pages (even from websites) which are confusing, onerous and don't help businesses at...
The Cloud. We get it, we use it. We count on it. Every day when operating as a small businesses we rely heavily on the cloud and internet storage. We assume it's safe, secure and backed up SOMEWHERE. We assume it's available anytime and reliable...
When was the last time you planned for the future. No, I don't mean revisited your business plan or thought about which beach you'd be retiring on, but REALLY thought about your plan...
Marketing strategies. With each new day there's another online platform, snazzy new way to access clients and suggestions of extending your reach, collateral or some other buzz word to market your small business. It's constantly evolving and as a...
This week we cover a variety of different topics centring around your business's admin and back-end.