Ush Dhanak from Collaborate HR joins us this week to discuss the hiring process, the "getting out of the rabbit hole" technique and how to apply emotional intelligence in your business.
In the third interview in this series; Small Biz Matters brings back a local expert on Employment Law; Michelle Archer from Archer Law practice based in Hornsby. After the response from the last podcast I'm pleased to welcome back a true, local...
Presentation skills. Not generally considered the forte of small business. But in this age of "genuine connections", face-to-face networking events and the perfect pitch nailing your message is crucial to getting out there and being heard...
As small businesses we need to be adaptable. We MUST be adaptable and in truth its one of our strengths. But what happens when you're on one trajectory and you decide that headspace, that career, those clients, are not for you. Well, you adapt...
We too often leave ourselves last on the list of priorities as a small business owner. Family, clients and even our employees are treated as more important than ourselves and it means we can end up unwell or worse still, unable to work for a long...
As small businesses we are constantly learning, adapting and picking up strategies from the many experts we come across. Vicki Writer is one such expert, with years of experience coaching executives to improve their performance and she's here to...
This week on Small Biz Matters we interviewed Emma Heyde, The Greens Candidate for Hornsby Mayor, and asked her about the upcoming election and what policies she would put into action for people and small businesses of the Hornsby Shire if elected.
Health and wellbeing of ourselves and our employees is an aspect of running a small business which is often left last on the list. We spend more time at our desk sometimes than we do with our families and never for a moment think about the long...
It's always great to access some Govt support when in small business and there are some great resources out there if you know where to look! Matthew Lye is our guest today. He is a Business Advisor with Realise Business a service provided by the...
Engaging in business naturally means you take on risk. Not everyone you engage with is going to be trustworthy and if they're likely to take risks, they might take you along for the ride...