There are some big changes coming down the pipeline for small business; and it involves an input every business needs: Energy. Whether you are located in a small country town or the middle of a major shopping centre in the middle of...
Back in April 2024, Small Biz Matters was lucky enough to attend the Council of Small Business Organisations Australias National small business summit. COSBOA is the peak body representing the entire small busine...
Competition is a major part of law reform which affects all small businesses. Whether it is a small grocer in a regional town or a newsagent in a major city shopping centre, having a level playing field is paramount to small business community..
So many acronyms, so little small business time. But the PPSR is one you and your advisors should know about. Why? Because it is free, it helps to protect your assets and your business. PPSR stands for the Personal Property Securities
There is a sector of the small business community that is even more regulated than others but there is a good reason for that. Due to some bad actors in the sector in the past, Franchising has been under scrutiny and so has the Government and...
If you asked a small business owner if they had processes which showed consideration, fairness and equality when hiring new staff, that they were making considerable effort to reduce their impact on the environment and be more sustainable, and...
There is a sector of the small business community who has always been on the business frontline and constantly impacted by macro and micro economics. They are the embodiment of small business people : First in line to feel it when consumers...
Small businesses are often (when it is convenient) referred to as the Backbone of the Economy but nothing could be closer to the truth in regional, rural and remote communities. They literally are the fabric binding ...
Increasingly, big tech companies are playing the role of advocate on behalf of their small business users. Some even have branches dedicated to governance and ensuring the data is aggregated, safe to share and presented so policymakers can read ...
There is a group of boffins who wield influence and power in Canberra and across the state and local governments too. And it is just as well since they know the effect of policy and politics on businesses and the economy as a whole. But the big....